Useful Resources by Specialty:
Sometimes it can be hard to find all the resources that you need in one place. The purpose of this page is a one stop shop of help resources to use as a medical student. If there are any resources that you feel should be added here , please click here to email us and we will add it.
Bread and butter well recognised resources :
Geeky medics
Preclinical Resources:
When we were students in pre clinical medicine there was one particular youtube channel that really stood out and that was the one of Dr Nageeb. He was really good at walking you stepp by step through complex things which were not always easy to get. The lectures are lengthy but if you are someone whom you need to undertstand the little details in order to get the bigger then these lectures are for you.
Dr Nageeb: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPHpx55tgrbm8FrYYCflAHw
Anatomy :
Emergency Medicine:
Life in the fast lane
Paediatrics :
Easy Paediatrics textbook: http://med-mu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Easy-Paediatrics.pdf
This link contains a Pdf version of this book. This book is actually quite helpful quite easily written and easy to follow.It does not have the same reputation as Lissa and Clayden but it is helpful when you are first starting out.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology:
Impey and child : Open chapter hey points summary not quite the same as reading the book but depending on how you learn can give a rally good overview.http://www.impeyobgyn.com/material/Impey_key_points_revision.pdf
General Practice
This basically could any aspect of the curriculum.As you may already know GPs see everything we are the gatekeepers we manage what we can, refer to secondary care and if patients are acutely unwell we send them in.
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