Orthopaedics lecture notes
Ortho – fractures
2 factors that lead to fracture, energy of the event and the strength of the bone. Energy can be low chronic leading to stress fractures, or acute high-energy. Bone strength is either normal or diminished from demineralisation or pathology. X rays should show joint above and below the fracture.
On Examination:
Pain and tenderness
Deformity and swelling – haematoma, haemarthrosis. If deformity causes skin tenting then this will need to be reduced before XR for avoid skin necrosis. (Think of a fracture as a soft tissue injury with a break in the bone)
Locally warm
Abnormal mobility and crepitus
Loss of function
Always check distal neurovascular status.
Fracture = break in the continuity of a bone
Comminuted fracture = >2 fragments
Gross comminution = multiple fragments, often following severe high energy trauma, union often delayed or difficult.
Types of #:
Transvere – across bone
Oblique – cut in an oblique down the bone, like fancy cucumber
Spiral – spirals, result of a twisting motion
Greenstick – in children, part of bone appears to buckle, other side may have a fracture
Crush –
Burst –
Avulsion – soft tissue insertion into bone is ripped away pulling part of the bone with it.
#dislocation / subluxation – dislocation or subluxation associate with a fracture.
Open / compound – some communication with the external world with a much higher risk of infection. Gustilo-Anderson classification:
Type I = wound <1cm, clean wound
Type II = wound 1 - 10cm, clean wound
Type IIIA = wound >10cm, high energy but adequate soft tissue coverage
Type IIIB = would >10cm, high energy but with inadequate soft tissue coverage (plastic input)
Type IIIC = all injuries with vascular injury (vascular input)
Complicated – important soft tissue damage present, eg fracture opening body cavities or inner organs like the brain, lungs, viscera, spinal cord, concurrent neurovascular injury.
Simple – no soft tissue injury
Impacted – bone fragments forced together (usually stable)
Unstable – displaced or have potential to displace, very relevant when important soft tissue structures at risk eg spinal column
Hangman’s fracture – fracture of bilateral pedicle / lamina of the second cervical vertebra leading to immediate death due to damage to the spinal cord.
XR – at least 2 views, often more for relevant injuries suspected
/ MRI / CT
DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorbed) scan for bone density in low energy injuries.
Classification of fractures:
Anatomical location:
Epiphysis, diaphysis, metaphysis, intraarticular
Proximal, middle, distal
Head, neck, trochanter, shaft, supracondylar, condylar
Incomplete (children eg hairline, buckle, greenstick etc)
Number of fragments:
Simple (linear)
Open / closed
Displacement (needs reduction)
Sideways shift or tilt
Dislocation – loss of joint integrity
Subluxation – partial loss of joint surface integrity
Salter Harris Classification for epiphysial fractures:
I – S = Straight across (through the growth plate, physis)
II – A = Above (fracture divert into main shaft of bone, metaphysis) *most common
III – L = Lower or BeLow (fracture diverts into growth plate, epiphysis)
IV – T = Through or TWO (goes through both the epiphysis and metaphysis)
V – ER = Everything Rammed (epiphysis crushed into the metaphysis, loss of physis)
Fracture healing:
Restore optimal functional state
Prevent bony and soft tissue complications
Prevent malunion, while preventing soft tissue wasting and contractures
Bleeding and fracture haematoma forms
2-3 days
Phagocytosis. Capillary budding, granulation tissue
Osteogenic cells invade and lay down osteoid.
3 weeks
Soft callus – cartilage and osteoid
6-12 weeks
Hard callus
3-4 months
Clinical union
6-12 months
Potential ortho emergencies:
Open fractures
Penetrating injury / pelvic fracture / massive haemorrhage / vascular injury (>6h results in irreversible damage).
Dislocated hip / knee
Compartment syndrome
Complex trauma
Spinal injury or progressive neurology.
Management open #
In ED = Examine wound 1X, sterile dressing, reduce to restore limb alignment, tetanus and antibiotics
In OR = Debride to remove foreign material, dead tissue and any bacteria, clean thoroughly and irrigate. +/- antibiotic beads, stabilize.
Management closed #
Reduction if appropriate – either manipulation or open
Maintain reduction
Intrinsic stability
External fixation – splits, POP, cast braces, traction etc
Internal fixation – screws, plates, grafts, intramedullary nails, wires and pins
Frame fixators – maintain reduction and can extend to bridge a gap
Fixation lasts:
12 weeks for long bones, get cancellous ends of long bones and in short bones in 6-8 weeks)
Children and elderly, or for pain relief only 2-3 weeks
Complications of fractures:
Soft tissue injuries:
Skin – open #, degloving injuries, and ischaemic necrosis.
Muscles – crush and compartment
Blood vessels – vasospasms and arterial laceration
Neuropraxia – mild crush injury (sat night radial nerve injury)
Axonotmesis – nerve damaged but axon sheath intact – nerve can regrow.
Neuromesis – complex nerve damage.
Ligaments – joint instability and dislocation
Compartment Syndrome – Not only when fractures
5P’s - Pain (out of proportion to injury or clinical situation), Pallor, Paraesthesia, pulselessness, paralysis
Fasciotomy when:
Worsening clinical state
Tissue pressure rising from 30mmHg below diastolic, as it approaches 20mmHg below diastolic.
Significant tissue injury
History of 6 hours total ischaemia when perfusion restored.
Complications at time of injury:
Haemorrhage, damaged to important structures and skin loss
Complications medium term:
Tissue necrosis,
Loss of alignment
DVT, PE, fat embolism
Late complications:
Delayed and non union, malunion
Late wound infection
Joint stiffness and contracture
Sudeks atrophy - ?sympathetic malfunction
Chest infections, bed sores, UTI
Tendon contracture, nerve compression,
Volkmann contracture (necrosis of muscles in forearm following # in children causes arm to contract in.