General Practice:
For those of you interested in General Practice we will be including a variety of resources on life as a General Practitioner.
What resources should I consider using in order to get into General Practice?
There are lots of resources to choose from when trying to decided what to use to aid you with getting into GP training. Please visit our youtube video, where Matilda outlines the resources she used to get into GP training:
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What is life like as a GP Registrar?
Life as a GP Registrar is really interesting and the truth is no day is the same, whether you are on your hospital part of your GP training or working in a hospital setting. If you would like more information on a small snapshot of what a day in life of a GP Registrar is like. Read Matilda's article on Melanin Medics:https://www.melaninmedics.com/post/my-life-as-a-gp-registrar-working-in-london
How to get the most out of your GP placement ?
As a student or a Junior Doctor, the idea of a GP placement can be daunting , as it almost feels like all eyes are on you because there is no one else on the firm to hide behind. It is you, the GP and the patients. During Matilda's time as an F2 on a GP rotation, along with others including Dr Kamila Hawthorne and Dr David Thomas, she co-wrote an article providing some useful tips about getting the most of our a GP placement. It can be found here: http://student.bmj.com/student/view-article.html?id=sbmj.i6727
What resources are helpful when revising for the Applied Knowledge Test?
The Applied Knowledge Test is an exam, which contributes to you gaining your MRCGP. It can be an exam which evokes worry when you think about the amount of material you have to cover. In addition this, when you couple that full time working and your family and social life, you might wonder where you will fit it all in. The truth is the exam has to be done and you just have to make time for it.
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