Time Management:
Time Mangement as a medical student can be difficult especially if you have alot going. By a lot going we mean things like working, family comittments, playing sorts and generally navigating your social life whilst acheving the best you can in your studies.
The good saying says that procrastination is the thief of time. The two worst things you could can do as a student are procrastinate and feel guilty about it. The reason why this combination is an issue is because you put lots of things off whihc wastes time. Then shortly after that you spend even more time whining about the time which has been lost into the ether.
Another interesting phenomenon i noticed a student was going to the library leaving your books there and coming back hours later and taking the books home. If you sit in a garage you do not become a car, similary if your books sit in the library that does not make you studious.
How do you address procrastinating?
We think it proably a part of human nature, we all have things, that we dont like or njoying do and a result fo thsi we put them off. A simple tip we recommend would be to create a to do list at the ebginning of every week and update it daily. The reason why we procrastinate sometimes is there is no acocuntability in regards to what we have to do and the time frames we have to acheive it in because we have failed to write things dow.
Revision schedule....
Plan your life in advance and use a calendar.....
Do a time aduit.......
Find a study buddy who wont distract you....
Arrange group revision sessions.....
If you are working for a sezrou hours contract if you can......
Plan for exam season
Finally if you need help ask for it. We all have that one friend who is ridiculously organised. Ask them for tips on how they do it. You dont have to take all the things the do on board, but you might find that taking on some of their simple suggestions makes your life so much easier.
Good Luck with managing your time.
All the best MR Revision team.